So the other day I was checking my bank account online and I came to the very sad conclusion that I am completely broke.  And the worst part is, I don’t even know where all of my money is.  I feel like I worked so hard all summer to make enough money to last me through the school year and all of a sudden, it just disappeared.  Who knew that living on Ramen Noodles and tap water could cost so much.  During my first two years in college I was attending the local community college and working full time so money was never an issue.  Even last year, my first year away from home and at a four-year school, I still had enough money saved up to live comfortably.  My friends and I would go out to dinner, go shopping, go to the movies and money was never an issue.  This year is a completely different ballgame.  I had to pay rent for an apartment that I wasn’t living in all summer in addition to utilities that I wasn’t using.  And since I don’t have a meal plan, I find myself spending more money out because I don’t always have time to cook.  So I guess I am truly living the college life.  The little money I make from working at my on-campus job is supposed to be paying my rent and putting gas in my car for now until I can go home and work at my better paying job there.  Over winter break I’ll probably have to work all day every day just to make enough money to pay for my second semester.  Although I may sound like I am complaining (because I am), I’m actually not that unhappy about my choices.  I still have fun with my friends and I’m making memories that will stay with me long after all my debt is paid off.