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I’m not the technology queen. In fact, I am far from it. Most of the time, I’m screaming at my computer and I check my email and Instant message. I joined Facebook because my friend made me an account. Now, like the rest of the population, I am addicted.

Learning about such ideas like a controversy about a girl posting a vlog on YouTube as lonelygirl15

and how this “real” girl was scripted and hired to begin a new form of media, I was disgusted. I grew up on TV and Internet TV seems dissatisfying and wrong on a moral level. Why should I buy into something that is suppose to be from the heart? And of course the articles that I read and the more that I learned about Bree and her fake team I became angry.

So is this Bree conspiracy like a virtual rape? Was I raped after being gullible and believing this girl? Is it weird that I am cursing myself for believing this girl after what she did? Or do I have an obligation to accept this new culture?

What does this have to say about other cultures that are being formed on the Internet? I have no idea to react to how someone can actually be assaulted and raped in a MUD environment. The Internet is an arena for the transfer of information, but what happens when we are violating our basic human interest?

I have posed a lot of questions since I’m not sure of the answers. I am truly baffled and I am not sure how to understand. I had to call my friend–a Network Administrator–to ask him a dozen questions about MUDS and how everyday actions can play and how rapes can occur. “A Rape in Cyberspace: or How and Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database into a Society” by Julian Dibbell explains how a different dimension was changed by a single action.

In the end, I am angry about something I have no control over and something that I do not understand.

May 2024

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